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Fourier Transform - Basics - Example

 U might wonder how fft is performed using python or any using any language

the concept here is to explain the fft in detail with example

u can run the code in python using colab or copy the code below to run in your local m/c.

Consider a sample of data  that  has N data points against time

the fft for the data points will give you the amplitude for the data points

which could a  complex number 

again what is a complex number (a+ib)

i*i = -1

again why this complexity don't worry too much we will talk about this in detail.


a - to be the x axis (real)

ib - y axis (Imaginary)

still confused with the formula don't worry we will work a sample for f(0)

so now we have seen the computation for f(0)

in the same way calculate till f(N-1) ,run the code below to cross check the values.

 result -

f(0) = (-1.1102230246251565e-16+0j)
f(1) = (5.551115123125783e-16-3.9996979771955568j)
f(2) = (-1.410503594010501e-16+2.220446049250313e-16j)
f(3)= 0.00030202280444291407j
f(4) = 2.0280150993880174e-16j
f(5) = (1.3322676295501878e-15-0.0003020228044421369j)
f(6) = (2.4561914808967368e-15+7.771561172376096e-16j)
f(7)=  (-2.9976021664879227e-15+3.999697977195556j)

 all these are complex numbers dont worry 

amplitude can be calculated using the formula 

amplitude = sqrt(a^2+ib^2)

The frequency is tipped at f(1) and f(7) giving as the frequency of the signal as 1Hz

this way we can do a fft for mix of sin signals to separate various frequencies 

and do a data manipulation such as filtering certain frequencies

which are considered as noise.

enjoy fft with python.

python code - 



import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


#loop through the samples -use size
# euler's formula   ---- e^i*x  = cosx +isinx

#fft - theta= 2pikn/N

# k - 0---N-1
#n- loop for all samples
#N - total no of samples

#fft [k] = summation (0---N-1)[x[k]*e^(-i*theta)]
# fft [k] = summation (0---N-1)[x[k]* (cos(theta) -i*sin(theta))

x = [0, 0.707, 1, 0.707, 0, -0.707, -1, -0.707]
N = len(x)

def calculate_theta(k, n , N):
  theta = (2*np.pi*k*n)/N
  return theta

def calculate_eulerfor_theta(theta): 
  #print(math.e**(theta * -1j))
  euler = math.e**(theta * -1j)
  return euler

x_n_fft = []

for i in range(N):
  for j in range(N):
    thetas = calculate_theta(i, j, N)
    eulers = calculate_eulerfor_theta(thetas)
    x_n += x[j]* eulers
  x_n_fft = np.append(x_n_fft, round(abs(x_n)))

#plot the frequency domain graph 
#x - axis  -  freq
#y - axis  - amplitude 

#Amplitude is the magnitude from FFT --x_n_fft values
#angular frquency = [2pi*n/sample_interval * N ]
#sample_interval = [2pi/N]

sample_interval = (2*np.pi)/N
angular_frequencys = []
for angular_frequency_fft in range(4):
  angular_frequency = (2*np.pi*angular_frequency_fft/(sample_interval*N))


plt.plot(angular_frequencys, x_n_fft[0:4])

# u might wonder why i used 4 in range rather than N 
#the values start repeating after N/2 
# u can use N and verify


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