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Microservices smoke

so what is that  , couple of years before we need to develop apps and deploy as a whole now they use a term microservices ,they break the entire app into multiple services deploy service separetely and so saves dev and deploy time. so whats the use then ... u can develop services using any languages  ,spring boot ,MEAN, MERN ,python , .net and intergrate. why again instead of complex frameworks ,begin programmers can also develop microservices easily within a week . How long this smoke is goin to stay ,have to wait and see .

IOT , raspberry pi what is that ?

 IOT - Internet of Things  to give a brief idea that would be a software and hardware  so talking about software it can be a simple application hosted some where in  cloud. hardware would be any device say for example a light bulb ok so where is the talking of soft and hard begins a normal light bulb can be modified with certain electronic components. so why do we need to modify ? for example if a light is on the status of the light would be 1 if the light is off the status of the light would be 0 sounds similar yeah right 01101010101 binary numbers ok - software would be a program to send 0 or 1 to the light bulb so how do we do that  we can make use of raspberry pi  how different is the pi computer from ordinary computer  the pi computer has GPIO pins GPIO - series of pins to send  data to device (bulb) still confusing mmm - program(0,1) ---pi --GPIO - bulb would be the integration layers. so start making your own IOT devices - enjoy for now. ...

Do you need cloud really?

Cloud is the word that was prevailing in the tech world for some time now i dont think so applications that has been moved to cloud are returning back to hardwares y? u can go for cloud if u need to set up something and show a demo for applications for small startups they can sign up over cloud and do not have to worry about infra ,os . try out with different os and play with .but for long term the costing is the factor u have to check on.

python programming -opencv

So the question is y python , i got bored with java and have been doing java programming for years ,my friend sugggested to learn python thats it. python is interesting ... Here comes playing with open cv ,using which u can actually play with images , videos and via ur web cam. So here s the code to use open cv to load img and video. before that u need to install python 3.7 open cv numpy before that check the python installation is working fine . go to installation folder in windows AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37 open command prompt cmd>python this should give u the version like this Python 3.7.1 (v3.7.1:260ec2c36a, Oct 20 2018, 14:57:15) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> then try to install 'pip ' which is required to install all dependencies. once pip is installed - u can find pip inside this location. ...

Hosting application in Cloud

Things to do, hosting in AWS - Create an aws account and subscribe to free tier - it is entirely free they might charge u if u exceed limit . sign up with the credit card ,valid for 1 year and then they may charge you based on usage.   hosting in google cloud -    Google cloud you can use for 3 months of free subscription with your gmail id.

Data scrapping apps -

use this site to scrap data from websites . u can test the content and run it from the console and play with the data enjoy scrapping!!! use the run console to test the URL. u can use JQuery and parse the data .

Mongo Cloud-atlas

Advantage of mongo cloud - u  can connect from anywhere and test you apps. create user and login . create Database and collections within.  You can connect from your mongo shell and test it.