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RPA - OCR -is that difficult no simple use chronoscan, python/java

RPA - this is not but Robotic process Automation
OCR - optical character recognition
still confused ?

an example would be u have a pdf file and u need the contents to be used
u can do OCR using tool chronoscan ,it is a licensed version
but u can still go and try out the stuff
y chronoscan when u have plenty others

it scan pretty fast
u can configure key ,value from pdf to extract the contents for the key which
is the value .

ex - Account no(key) - 1092323(value)

u can output the contents as excel for processing.

check out -

okay still looking complex ..

u can go ahead with the python ocr module to get the contents .
so what is the use of OCR then ?
well a real world example would be automation of a data entry system
where we get documents people take the values from pdf files
then put that in the fields of a portal or an online application.
so when the data is extracted from the files half the job is done
remaining is entering the values in the system.
2.use selenium for entering values in the fields 
download the selenium web driver
it will be a jar file '.jar'

3.start writing your java code where u can use the selenium web driver
to get the 'fields ' using the css property and put the values of your pdf or any other file onto the property value.

alright still looks confusing right don't worry


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