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Tensor board for analysis

so what is the use of tensorboard ? we can use this tool to analyse the model we create using tensorflow so why we need to analyse the answer is we need to train model and pick the model which has a higher rate of accuracy and min loss. ok accuracy and loss what is this. how to create a model how to feed to it to tensor board ,it is not that difficult its simple easy and fun. before that i learned it from this guy who uses tensorboard like anything his name is sentdex awesome tutorial man. before that if do not have any idea of python ,no problem u can learn it in a week and pick it up from there so enjoy python programming.

Welcome to Machine learning using tensorflow

here goes the open source machine learning technique in this site u can try out the samples with node ,python and other stuff i tried things with python which seemed to be very easy for me. so what are we goin to do here i tried to run  a sample for object detection - that would be cat and dogs we are goin to train a model using convolutional neural network to identify whether the image that u process is a cat or dog. i went through videos and tutorials done by a guy sentdex ,he s a fantastic guy for most of the python tutorials. here is the link if u want to check out that . sendex.

python - face detection and training using open cv

using python u can detect faces using the haarcascade and open cv so what is haar cascade they are simple xml files that u can download from the site and make use of the functionalities. u can download from this link it is pretty easy. so what are the things u need ,open cv thats it. download the  haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml  for detecting faces . similar fashion u can download  haarcascade_eye.xml  to detect eyes in faces. The idea was implemented by this guy ,please check out this link he has done a face detection and training module using open cv. enjoy py.

RPA - OCR -is that difficult no simple use chronoscan, python/java

RPA - this is not but Robotic process Automation   OCR - optical character recognition still confused ? an example would be u have a pdf file and u need the contents to be used u can do OCR using tool chronoscan ,it is a licensed version but u can still go and try out the stuff y chronoscan when u have plenty others it scan pretty fast u can configure key ,value from pdf to extract the contents for the key which is the value . ex - Account no(key) - 1092323(value) u can output the contents as excel for processing. check out - okay still looking complex .. u can go ahead with the python ocr module to get the contents .   so what is the use of OCR then ?   well a real world example would be automation of a data entry system where we get documents people take the values from pdf files then put that in the fields of a portal or an online application. so when the data is extracted from the files half the job is done remaining is e...

python and speak module - simple -can be used by special people

to do that we need to install pyttsx3 first go to pip and install. import pyttsx3 import cv2 import numpy as np   engine = pyttsx3.init()   rate = engine.getProperty('rate')   engine.setProperty('rate', rate-70)   engine.setProperty('volume', 0.9)   engine.say('Hey stranger')   engine.runAndWait() the main content goes in say method ,u can also put your content  in a text file and read it from there. it should help people who want to  speak and could not .